Leather Accessories Since 1912

Our History

A Polar Product - Polar Mfg. Co. Phila., PA

Polar Manufacturing Company has been a staple in the Philadelphia community since 1912. Throughout its’ years the logo and marketing materials have changed, and the dedication to creating quality products has remained the same. Shortly after the original “Non-Shine Pad Co.” logo was retired, the primary company logo was changed to this image, featuring the signature polar bear icon, company name and city of origin.


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From May 1919, the Price List for both Polar Manufacturing Company and Non-Shine Pad Company. Many similar products are still manufactured by Polar today, and while the prices may have changed, quality remains the focus of Polar.

Polar MFG. Co. & Non-Shine Pad Co. Addresses and Logo

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The cover of one of Polar’s catalogs. The Practical Office Articles catalog offered a full inventory of the products offered by Polar Manufacturing Company, and the products offered by their associated company, Non-Shine Pad Co.

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Throughout Polar’s long history, innovation has been at the core of everything we create. For example, Polar created a unique typewriter shock absorbing pad for use with the heavy and loud typewriters of the 1920s and 30s. The 1/2 inch thick pads cut down on the sound of typing and lessened the effort needed to type, all while reducing wear and tear on the typewriter.

Elegant Leather Products for Your Business Since 1912.